A seven-year-old Simcoe, Ont., boy received one the highest honours from the Ontario Provincial Police after his quick thinking saved his mother’s life.

Dylan Roloson was awarded the Commissioner’s Citation for Lifesaving on Thursday in front of his entire school. Local first responders and the OPP commissioner are calling him a hero, after he made the 911 call last week that saved his mother who went into diabetic shock.

“She was lying unconscious in the bed, I didn’t know what to do,” Dylan said. “I called everyone I knew then I called 911.”

Dylan remained calm, opened the door for paramedics, and led them to his unconscious mother. Paramedics said that if it weren’t for Dylan’s actions, his mother’s condition would have worsened and she would have gone into seizure.

“It’s hard to express how much thanks I give to my son,” said Dylan’s mother, Jessica Roloson. “He saved my life. If it had happened a couple minutes later, I probably wouldn’t be sitting here right now.”

She said the incident brought the two of them closer, as they now share a special bond.

“I thank my lucky stars every day for my son and for my life,” she said.

As for Dylan, he now plans to become a police officer when he gets older. He hopes others will take 911 calls seriously and only call the number in a real emergency.