An Oscar Mayer Wienermobile promotional vehicle crashed into a pole over the weekend after skidding across a patch of ice on a snowy road in Enola, Pennsylvania. No injuries were reported but the iconic hot dog car's front end was severely damaged.

The American hot dog company currently has six Wienermobiles and a MINI Cooper-based Wiener in its fleet of promotional vehicles used to promote Oscar Meyer products around the United States. Its promotional vehciles have been involved in several accidents in the past few years.

The accidents include a crash into a snowbank in upstate New York in 2008; a failed U-turn that ruined a Wisconsin home in 2009; and a collision in Texas in 2010 where the frankfurter rear-ended another car.

Oscar Mayer began using promotional Wienermobile vehicles in 1936; the current vehicles are based on GMC truck chassis and were built in 2002. They are driven by college seniors from across the U.S. on one-year-only contracts.