Corporate documents reveal Sen. Pamela Wallin has listed Toronto as her home since 2006, despite claiming her primary residence as a senator is in Saskatchewan.

Wallin recently resigned from the board of directors of Toronto-based investment firm Gluskin Sheff and Associates Inc., where she earned more than $450,000 over seven years.

In Gluskin Sheff’s corporate filings, Wallin cites Toronto as her home. But the senator has said her primary residence is Wadena, Sask.

Wallin has earned at least $1 million in fees and stock options from corporate boards since her appointment to the Senate by Prime Minister Stephen Harper in 2009.

She has recused herself from the Conservative caucus while forensic accounting firm Deloitte audits her Senate travel expenses, which total more than $321,000.

The same firm probed housing expense claims by Sen. Mike Duffy, Sen. Mac Harb and Sen. Patrick Brazeau. However, when the audit results were released on May 9, Deloitte requested more time to review Wallin’s travel expenses.

The full audit is expected to be completed mid-summer.