OTTAWA - It was multiple-choice day in the House of Commons today as the Liberals tried again to get a number of controversies to stick to the Harper Conservative government.

Liberal Leader Stephane Dion peppered the Tories with questions about the Chuck Cadman affair.

Dion asked pointedly who was lying about allegations of a financial offer made to Cadman to sway a crucial 2005 Commons vote.

But Prime Minister Stephen Harper had some multiple-choice questions of his own, asking Dion whether his Liberals supported the Tories on crime, their budget, their environmental plan, their foreign policy - or "all of the above."

Harper's questions were a taunt of the Liberals, who have repeatedly managed to avoid toppling the minority Conservative government in a number of key votes.

The Liberals are again expected to keep the government alive tomorrow in votes to extend Canada's mission in Afghanistan and on a Liberal proposal to give tax breaks to education savings plans.