MONTREAL - A new book says the Mafia is so pervasive that it forces more than 600 businesses to pay protection money -- in Montreal alone.

It also says the Mafia is deeply involved in the city's construction industry, now emboiled in corruption scandals that have sparked calls for a public inquiry.

"Mafia Inc.," by investigative journalists Andre Noel and Andre Cedilot, says hundreds of merchants are being squeezed in the city's east end and main Italian neighbourhood.

Cedilot says the income for the Mob from the protection racket is minimal but the scheme pays dividends in terms of control.

"Money is secondary in this area," he said. "What matters to them is to 'retain' businessmen."

Cedilot said the scheme ensures the public and business people are muzzled when it comes to talking about Mob activities; it also creates a vast network of contacts.

Every type of business is affected, from the hospitality industry and food services to car dealers, the authors say.

Cedilot noted that a recent police crackdown identified more than a dozen construction companies with Mob links.

"These people do not come here for nothing," he said. "They imported what they do in Sicily, the modus operandi. All major infrastructure projects in Sicily are under the control of the Mafia."

Cedilot said he hopes the book opens people's eyes.

"I hope the book will open the government's eyes to find a solution because if they repeat the Sicilian recipe in Montreal, they'll do it in Ontario and the rest of Canada."