Nine months after the world dried off from the Ice Bucket Challenge, a new viral stunt is beginning to heat things up in the name of autism awareness.

This time all you need is a piece of licorice and a partner willing to kiss on camera.

The “Twizzler Challenge” follows the same formula as last summer’s ice bucket dump, but this time asks participants to reenact a classic scene from Disney’s Lady and the Tramp – the one where the two canoodling canines meet in the middle of a strand of spaghetti for a surprise kiss.

After completing the challenge, the smoochers are supposed to donate money to an autism charity and nominate another pair to press lips.

On her Instagram account Wednesday, Lena Dunham posted a video of herself Twizzling with fellow "Girls" co-star Allison Williams.


A few other celebrities have also picked up on the trend, including "Scandal" stars Guillermo Diaz and Katie Lowes.

The Ice Bucket Challenge, which peaked in popularity in July and August of 2014, raised over $16 million in Canada for ALS Societies of Canada.