For some fitness gurus, the idea of quitting exercise and gaining 30 lbs. in six months sounds like a nightmare.

But a personal trainer in Calgary says packing on the pounds was the best way for him to get a glimpse inside the minds and bodies of his clients. So he did.

“What’s better than to really understand the emotional side of things from my clients? How are they feeling when they gain 10, 20, 30 pounds?” Adam Blackwell, a professional MMA fighter and boot camp instructor, told CTV Calgary.

Following that question, Blackwell spent more than six months gaining 32.5 lbs (14.7 kg). He stopped working out but still ate healthy foods, opting to increase his caloric intake through larger portion sizes. He now weighs 216.7 lbs. (98.3 kg).

“This is the heaviest I’ve ever been,” he said.

He plans to shed the excess weight over the next three months through rigorous exercise and diet, all the while sharing his transformation online.


I admit it, I'm fat and the most out of shape I've been, in years. Do you think it's stupid that I've actually gained 30lbs on purpose? How fast do you think I can shed all 30 of it? Ready for this...? I'm going to document my whole transformation via my social media. I've actually spent 6+ months changing my body so I can be in a better place to understand what much of the world goes through as well as many of my clients when the make the decision to get healthy. I will document my journey every step of the way, connect with me on Instagram, Snapchat (��blackwellfit), and of course Facebook. You will see what it looks like from the very first day exactly what it takes to reach a goal of dropping 30lbs of pure fat. You'll see me fall, you'll see me get back up. You'll see the very workouts and meals I eat in real time, so not only will you learn what to eat, you'll also learn when (very critical). I'll also share my best fitness tips, the tips that most trainers charge for, recipes that end up in ebooks and cost hundreds of dollars. Maybe you want to lose 30lbs too! Maybe you have less or even more to lose... My goal is to help change the lives of 10,000 people by 2020. I will deliver more dream body's than Baywatch, it's my mission to help you breakthrough. But... I can't do it alone. I am gonna need your help. So here's a BOLD proposition! For those of you that live in Calgary, whoever tags the most people to this post will win 1 month of BootCamp @calgaryswfbbc FREE! For those of you outside Calgary, when you tag the most people in this post you will win a customized meal plan, and my 6 week Summer Slim Down workout plan for FREE! Add me to Snapchat ��"blackwellfit" and send me a message, yeah silly let's connect. The more I know about you the more I can help. I am looking forward to connecting real soon! I'll be using the 3 following hashtags all over social media to document this epic Transforamtion. #Fat2Fit #diet #recipe Let the breakthrough begin !!!

A photo posted by Adam Blackwell (@adamblackwellfitness) on

The idea might seem unusual, but it’s not unheard of. The U.S. reality TV show “Fit to Fat to Fit” follows 10 personal trainers who gain weight on purpose and then try to lose it alongside their clients.

Celebrities have gone on similar crash diets for acting roles. Renee Zellweger reportedly gained 30 lbs. for “Bridget Jones’s Diary.” For “Chapter 27,” Jared Leto gained around 60 lbs. to portray John Lennon’s killer, Mark David Chapman.

Blackwell, 33, knows that getting back to his old weight won’t be easy, and his age presents a particularly worrisome hurdle.

“It’s going to be tough. Because as we age, our metabolisms slow down,” he said.

About one in four adults and one in 10 children are considered clinically obese, according to figures from the Canadian Obesity Network. Obesity has been linked to heart disease, stroke, Type 2 diabetes and several other medical conditions, and weight loss is often considered an effective way to mitigate risk.

“Not everybody who carries extra weight is going to have all of these health problems or even any of these health problems, but the potential is there for obesity to affect pretty much any body system,” said Dr. Shahebina Walji from the Calgary Weight Management Clinic.

Blackwell is documenting his fitness journey online on Facebook and Instagram.

With files from CTV Calgary