Those looking to draw dandelions, sunshine, bees and all things yellow will soon find a shade missing when they reach into their crayons sets.

Art supply company Crayola has announced it is retiring the dark-yellow Dandelion colour from its 24-pack of crayons.

“Our beloved Dandelion decided to announce his retirement early! There’s no taming an adventurous spirit!” the Pennsylvania-based company said in a Tweet on Thursday afternoon.

According to its website, the company was set to announce which colour it would retire on Friday -- National Crayon Day -- but the information was leaked on Twitter early Thursday afternoon.

Customer Frank Hegyi posted a photo of one of Crayola’s 120-crayon packs at a Target store that said “Dandelion is retiring!” on the packaging.

Other social media users were quick to react to the announcement.

Dandelion has been part of Crayola’s 24-pack of crayons since 1990, when eight other colours -- Lemon Yellow, Raw Umber, Maize, Blue Gray, Green Blue, Violet Blue, Orange Red and Orange Yellow -- retired to the company’s “Hall of Fame.”

Crayola is set to announce which colour will replace Dandelion in May.