A native Newfoundlander's whose effervescent excitement made an impression on Ellen DeGeneres, says she can't believe she got to meet the talk show host.

Keri Rodden-Kemp appeared on the "Ellen" show this week for a segment on bad high school yearbook photos. But it was Keri's boundless energy that had people talking.

Keri was invited to appear on the show after she sent in a picture of herself from Grade 9 with an outrageous teased-up hairdo. Once Kerri took to the stage she became overwhelmed with excitement, jumping up and down and peppering the interview with plenty of "Woo-hoo's!"

Keri was able to restrain her excitement at first as Ellen approached her and asked her where she was from.

"I live in Oakville, Ont., but I'm from Kilbride, Nfld. Woo hoo! Yeah, Newfoundland! Woo!" Keri responded and began bouncing up and down. The bouncing continued as Ellen revealed the woman's outrageous 1989 yearbook photo, to the laughter of the crowd.

Before Ellen could even ask Keri about the picture, Rodden-Kemp's incessant bouncing and screeches of excitement had the audience in stitches.

"I have never been so happy in my whole life!" Rodden-Kemp emphatically declared.

Keri calmed down enough to explain that the picture was taken in the ‘80s and that she had teased up her hair to draw attention away from her chest. "I thought I was a honey," Keri explained, still laughing, still bouncing.

Ellen joined Keri in the screeching, the laughing and of course the bouncing before moving to the next guest, with "Ok, I gotta go."

Keri says the whole experience was amazing.

"They flew me down, put me up in this swanky hotel, drivers -- it was awesome. I was lovin' it!" she told Canada AM Wednesday.

Keri explained that she's an energetic person to start with. "It was me being me, just a little exaggerated," she said.

"I was living in the moment. I looked at her and said: I'm with Ellen. I dreamed of this, I thought about it, here I am! I'm here! This is insane!"

Keri learned later that Ellen tweeted about her, while posting a video of the segment on Twitter.

"She wrote: ‘Check out this excited woman. This moment was probably one of my favourite moments in 8 years.' That's huge! I was one of her favourite moments. I mean, what? Me? Little old me? It's amazing!" Kerrie says.

Ellen has now invited Keri and the whole studio audience to return in December for the "12 Days of Giveaways" segments.

All because of a photo of a hairstyle that Keri says took "an hour and half and a bottle of hair spray every three days."