FREDERICTON - A video showing an elderly New Brunswick couple in a blood-drenched murder scene left family members shaken and sobbing at the trial of the man accused of the killings.

One of the first images on the tape, as police enter the victims' small home in Minto, N.B., is that of Fred Fulton's headless corpse stretched out on the kitchen floor. Fulton, 74, and his wife Verna Decarie, 70, were found dead in their home on April, 26, 2005.

Fulton's head was found wrapped in a pillowcase under the kitchen table.

Gregory Despres, 24, who is charged with the double murder, watched the video intently and impassively.

Decarie's body was found in the master bedroom, lying by the bed in a pool of blood.

Several people in the courtroom had to leave as the video played in the hushed, darkened courtroom.