Basically treat your pet like a toddler when it comes to making sure he or she is safe at this busy time of year. Following these three steps around the house will make it possible to not only have a safe and less stressful but overall more enjoyable holiday season!

1) Remove hazards!

  • Make your house as safe as possible by moving or removing as many hazards as you can.
  • Put hazardous foods such as chocolate and nuts far out of reach.
  • Spray electrical cords with bitter apple (foul tasting chew deterrent)
  • Put up a pet play pen around the tree to keep pets away or don't place presents under it.
  • Keep things like tinsel and ornaments out of reach of curious mouths and paws.
  • Don't leave food in general out on the counter or tables as much as you can.
  • Make sure your pet has lots of appropriate things to chew, scratch, and play with.

2) Supervise!

Do you sit there laughing as kitty breaks your keepsakes or puppy uses the bathroom under the tree? NO! Of course not, you jump up and stop them. Supervision can be difficult but even doing something like tying a leash to you so your pup can't wander off and get in trouble can save a lot of heartache. Try not to get too distracted with specials on TV or your guest conversation and allow your pet to get into trouble.

3) Contain!

This means either putting your pet somewhere safe or putting up a barrier to keep your pet out of trouble. There will be many times where the first two are simply not options. Trying to juggle making sure your four-legged loved ones are safe while also trying to cook, set up decorations , and entertain guests can be impossible and extremely stressful! So just a few options for containment are:

  • Put your new puppy in his crate when guests arrive or at mealtimes.
  • Set your cat up in a room with its food, water and litter to keep guests from stressing her.
  • Put up pet gates to keep pets away from hazards such as a busy kitchen or the entrance to your house. The last thing you need is to have to run around the neighbourhood in the freezing cold after your furry loved one after an unexpected guest let him or her out!
  • Pick up a pet play pen and set up so your pet can still be part of the action but in a way they are kept safe.

The last step can really make entertaining guests at this time of year much more enjoyable. Picture not having to worry about what your dog is being fed by a well-intentioned two-legged member of the family or your cat not being scared out if its brains by the hustle and bustle of a holiday party. Now you can truly sit back and enjoy what the holidays are really about; spending quality time with friends and family.