BROSSARD, Que. -- So should it be Pee-Kay or Pay-Kah?

After a French-language rights group complained about the way hockey announcers were pronouncing P.K. Subban's name during French-language broadcasts, the defenceman suggested Wednesday he be called by another name altogether.

"Since we're changing the pronunciation of my name, just start calling me Denzel," Subban quipped after practice. "Can we throw that one in there too?"

Montreal La Presse obtained a complaint filed by a little-known language group saying it didn't like the English pronunciation of his initials.

The little-known Association pour l'usage et le soutien de la langue francaise suggests the name should be pronounced Pay-Kah, as it would be if said in French.

It told La Presse that English announcers often change the given names of francophone players, citing examples like Vinny Lecavalier (instead of Vincent) and Danny Briere (instead of Daniel).

Subban brushed off the controversy, noting the French pronunciation is actually quite fetching.

"I heard about this, it sounds kind of sexy actually," Subban told reporters gathered around his stall. "I kind of like it.

"So, I'd say "c'est tres bien, but my name is P.K.," he added. "But if they want to call me Pee-Kee or Pay-Kah. I've heard Pay-Kah before, it's OK."