Canadians just aren’t that hyped for the Summer Olympics, according to sports writer Sean McIndoe.

“Canadians, we get excited for the Summer Olympics. We get involved in the stories, but what we don’t do is we don’t seem to obsess about them to the same level that some other countries do,” McIndoe told CTV News Channel on Friday.

“There are some countries where this is the Super Bowl and the Oscars all rolled up in one and you don’t really get that sense up in Canada.”

McIndoe said there are a few reasons for the apathy.

The first is, Canadians simply care more about the Winter Games.

“We are a winter country, we dominate in winter sports, so when the Winter Olympics roll around, that’s when we get more excited. We all watch hockey and we watch the sports where we do a little better. Summer comes around and we’re happy to watch, but it’s not going to be life and death like maybe it will be in some of the other nations.”

McIndoe said he’s also heard from Canadian fans who say they’re frustrated because they believe there are not as many opportunities to get medals in the sports Canada typically does well in.

“Some of these other sports where countries do better than us, there are so many different variations of the event that suddenly they’re out there saying ‘oh we won 15 gold medals, we won 20 gold medals.’ Well yeah, they’re all in the same event,” McIndoe said.

“There are a dozen types of sailing. I’m not knocking sailing as an event or as a sport. If you’re good at that, all the best to you but at some point, pick one event and say ‘this is what sailing is and we don’t need twelve variations.’ When they come up with a dozen variations of hockey, we’ll go out there and win twelve gold medals every Olympics, but for now, we have maybe the misfortune of being good at the sports where there may be only one or two events to shine in.”

Still despite what McIndoe said he's heard from fans, Team Canada isn't worried about its medal chances.

Earlier this week, chef de Mission Curt Harnett said the team has its sight set on a top-12 finish in final medal standings and is expecting to win at least 19 medals -- one more than the country earned in the 2012 London Games.