LONDON -- Lance Armstrong's former team manager Johan Bruyneel says cycling has entered a new era after months of controversy.

In his first website posting since August, when the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency detailed massive doping by Armstrong's Tour de France teams, Bruyneel says he's "glad ... the sport has prevailed."

Bruyneel explains he can't yet "share my thoughts and insights" about other issues "due to ongoing proceedings."

Though Armstrong declined to fight USADA's allegations, Bruyneel has opted for an arbitration hearing.

Bruyneel is also named in a U.S. whistleblower lawsuit, launched by former U.S. Postal Service rider Floyd Landis, which seeks to recover money defrauded from the sponsor.

The Justice Department has said it would join the case and file a formal complaint within 60 days. That deadline is next Tuesday.