At least 80 per cent of women surveyed in a new study say they have been approached in a sexually overt way while at a singles bar.

The study, "Sexually overt approaches in singles bars," published this month in The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, surveyed female university students aged 18 to 28.  Most of the women were in their first year of an undergraduate program.

The women said grinding behaviours and buttock-touching were the most common ways that men approached them.

The 'grinding from behind' tactic was reported by 83.9 per cent of the women surveyed, and 'grinding pelvis-to-pelvis' was reported by 68.3 per cent.

Buttock-touching ranked second with 82.5 per cent, breast/chest touching was reported by 37.8 per cent of the women and genital touching 25.9 per cent.

In contrast, the women were less likely to report initiating similar behaviours. Grinding from behind was initiated by 49.7 per cent of the women, grinding pelvis-to-pelvis 50.3 per cent, buttock touching 31.5 per cent, breast/chest touching 22.4 per cent and genital touching 8.4 per cent. The women said they engaged in the activity for fun, not as a means of developing relationships.

The overt behaviour was typically observed in bars that had a "sexualized atmosphere," according to the study, such as bars that would play sexually suggestive dance music.

The intimate behaviours run contrary to traditional research which did not find "sexual touching in the initial stages of courtship or approach behaviour," says the study. 

While alcohol was not measured in the study, researchers said it is an important factor because it is a defining characteristic of a bar.

When asked if they were accepting of the advances, the women were most likely to accept grinding from behind -- 29.9 per cent. Grinding pelvis-to-pelvis was accepted by 29.2 per cent, buttock-touching 14.6 per cent, breast/chest touching 3.5 per cent and genital touching 2.1 per cent.

The majority of the women said traditional, non-sexual approaches were "the most desirable approach behaviours in the singles bar setting."

The preferred methods included buying drinks, smiling, flirting, or simply starting a conversation.