Tara-Jean Popowich
CTV's "So You Think You Can Dance Canada" winner, 2009

Canadian dance star Tara-Jean Popowich knows all the right moves to shine on stage. But, she battles holiday shopping frustration just like the rest of us.

"I get excited when I go Christmas shopping and I love buying presents. That's a dangerous combination," Popowich, 20, told CTV.ca.

To curb temptation and come out a winner, Popowich's sets a budget and sticks to it.

"Being strict with a budget is so important for me. I also shop alone and shop early," says the Lethbridge, Alta.-native. "Things get done a lot faster that way. Before you know it your Christmas list is finished!"

Worst shopping experience: buying a gift for her older brother

Popowich set out to buy a present for her older brother one year. The experience taught her a great lesson.

"I wanted to get him the coolest present ever because I look up to him," says Popowich.

Her gift pick was a PS3 game. But, Popowich failed to realize how popular the item would be.

"The store was a zoo. There were so many people in line! I'll never leave holiday shopping to the last minute again!"

On the hunt for: holiday vacation tickets

Treating her mother and brother to a vacation tops Popowich's gift-giving list in 2009.

"We have never gone on a trip together," she says. "Hopefully, I'll have some tickets for them under the tree. We'll see what else Santa has in store."

Jeanne Beker
Host of CTV's "FashionTelevision," judge on CTV's Canada's Next Top Model"

Jeanne Beker travels the world throughout the year reporting on top runway trends. That doesn't leave the fashion guru much time for leisurely holiday shopping.

"If I run out of time, I give my pals some treasured old possessions of mine," says Beker. That sentiment adds a special personal touch to holiday gifts.

Worst shopping experience: when holiday gift-giving becomes a chore

"I just detest that attitude," says Beker. "That's not what the season should be about."

To combat that negative mind-set, Beker shops little by little while on the job.

"FashionTelevision enables me to travel all the time. I usually see something I know someone would like back home."

Beker's gift pick: handmade presents from her kids

Rather than mindless material things, Beker's personal gift wish is for homemade presents from her children.

"I'd love something wildly creative -- a handmade puppet from my daughter Bekky, who is a puppeteer. A song from my daughter Joey, who is a musician/singer/songwriter. These are treasured gifts to receive," says Beker.

Andrea Bowen
Actress, "Desperate Housewives"

Best known as Julie Mayer on CTV's hit show "Desperate Housewives," American actress Andrea Bowen never lets a busy film schedule get in the way of holiday shopping.

"I make a list of who I am buying gifts for and jot down ideas for each person," says Bowen, 19. "That way I have a goal in mind and won't leave anyone out. I also don't get bogged down with all the mayhem of holiday shopping."

Best shopping experience: a childhood Secret Santa exchange

As a child of nine, Bowen set out to buy a food processor for her mother.

"They were expensive, especially for a 9-year-old's budget," says the 2006 Screen Actors Guild winner for Outstanding Ensemble Cast in a Comedy Series

But, Bowen did not give up. She went to the department store and found a small processor for chopping vegetables on sale.

"They had one left and it fit into my budget. My mom was ecstatic! I was quite proud," says Bowen.

Worst shopping experience: gift hunting during a blizzard

"I braved a blizzard in New York City once when it was 12�F. That was before I realized the luxury of shopping online," says Bowen.

Bowen's gifts to give: eco-friendly presents

"Protecting our planet is not only important. It is our responsibility," says Bowen. This year biodegradable indoor gardens and LED solar lanterns are big on her gift-giving list.

"They're not too pricey. They're cute, usable presents. They also spread the word that we need to look after our planet," says Bowen.

Jesse Cook
Canada's acclaimed Nuevo Flamenco guitarist ("The Rumba Foundation")

Jesse Cook finds it hard to think of holiday shopping when it's not December.

"I was just in the grand bazaar in Turkey wrapping up a tour. I should have bought my gifts there. Somehow it just didn't seem Christmasy in Istanbul," Cook told CTV.ca

The father of two young children, Cook's shopping strategy is to plan better and keep an eye out for unexpected finds.

"Extra planning and a good idea list pays off, especially when I see my kids' heads pop from all the excitement on Christmas morning," he laughs.

Best shopping experience: a surprise gift hunt at Louis Vuitton

A few years ago Cook was hired to perform at the opening of the Louis Vuitton store in Hong Kong. As payment, Cook's promoter brokered an unusual deal.

"We got a small amount in a fee and US$50,000 in Louis Vuitton credit," says Cook.

The promoter took half and Cook split his share with his band mates.

"It was like that scene in "Pretty Woman," Cook laughs. 'I was like Julia Roberts coming out of the store with all these people carrying my bags. When I got home I was a hero."

Worst experience: last-minute shopping on Christmas Eve

One year Cook waited until 5 pm on Christmas Eve to do his shopping blitz.

"It was running through Toronto's Eaton Centre, throwing items into my bag and then that terrible announcement came: the store will be closing in five minutes. I was practically weeping," says Cook. "That's when I told myself never again."

Ruba Nadda
Canadian director, "Cairo Time," "Sabah"

It's been a big year for Arab-Canadian director Ruba Nadda. "Cairo Time," her gorgeous drama starring Oscar-nominated actress Patricia Clarkson, won the Best Canadian Feature Film award at the 2009 Toronto International Film Festival. It was also named one of the top 10 Canadian movies of 2009.

With so much good to celebrate, Nadda tries not think about those holiday shopping habits that slow her down.

"I've had the same problem since I was 8," Nadda, 37, told CTV.ca. "I need to find the perfect present. I'll search high and low. It's a quest that I love, but it's filled with so much pressure."

This year Nadda is stressing over what to give her "Cairo Time" leading lady.

"What do you get for someone who has everything? It's tough," says Nadda.

Her solution?

Look for one-of-a-kind items like jewellery or other accessories. Also, buy gifts that you would love to receive.

"I'm the oldest in my family and my sisters are always borrowing from me," says Nadda." If I buy gifts I love I know they'll filter down very well.

Her final strategy is to start shopping early. "Otherwise, I'll find myself at the Eaton Centre at 5:30 pm on Christmas Eve driving myself nuts," says Nadda.

Best shopping experience: childhood shopping the drugstore

"When I was eight-years-old holiday shopping was so simple," says Nadda. "I'd walk into a drug store and get my sister a box of candy and my mom a bottle of nail polish. It was perfect. Then I turned 14 and my shopping perfectionism began!"

Monika Schnarre
Model/actress/ television host and clothing designer

Ever since Monika Schnarre won Ford Models' "Supermodel of the World" contest in 1986, the Canadian celeb has lead busy life in front of the camera. That fast-paced life has forced Schnarre to get smarter about holiday shopping.

"This year I'm going online. No more mall shopping," says Schnarre, 38.

After canvassing friends for site recommendations, Schnarre zeroed in on companies like Toys 'R Us, Amazon, Future Shop and Best Buy Canada.

Schnarre also pays attention to the things her loved ones need throughout the year.

"I make mental notes and review them before I shop," says Schnarre. "One person might need slippers. Another might want an iPod. These notes are the key to finding great gifts."

Worst shopping experience: a broken bag of gifts

Last year, Schnarre packed up her dog, computer, a book on holiday cocktails and some bottles of alcohol into a pricey Louis Vuitton bag and headed to her mother's home.

Disaster struck when the bag fell.

"The bottles exploded. My presents and computer were ruined," she laughs. "I swore I'd never let that happen again."

Best gifts to give: handmade photos and treat bags

An avid photographer, Schnarre sneaks photos of loved ones taken throughout the year into frames as holiday gifts.

"People never know I'm doing it. But, they appreciate that extra effort," says Schnarre.

Homemade treat bags filled with cookies, chocolates, Christmas music CDs and scarves are also tops on Schnarre's gift-giving list.

"I've had the same girlfriends since kindergarten. It's not always easy to buy them something incredible. This homemade solution solves the problem."

Emily Hampshire
Actress, "Snow Cake," "The Trotsky"

Montreal-born actress Emily Hampshire has clearly had her troubles with holiday gift-giving over the years.

"I'm so terrible with holiday shopping," Hampshire, 28, told CTV.ca, "I want to get something truly incredible for everyone on my list. But, in the end I end up with nothing at all."

Up until now, warm-hearted IOUs have been Hampshire's alternative.

"My dad has a wallet full of IOUs," she laughs. "I'll end up with this list of promises I'll owe people for Christmas."

This year, however, Hampshire is trying something different

"My strategy is Internet shopping," says the L.A.-based actress.

"My husband and I started a list. We're going for gifts that can be delivered before Christmas. With his family in England and mine in Canada it makes more sense than a truckload of IOU's."

Best holiday shopping experience: "When my mom bought all my gifts for me."

"I wish I could relive those days when I was 8 and my mother bought all the gifts I gave to people," says Hampshire. "I loved watching people open them. It was a surprise for me and then."

Best gift-giving tip: "Buy presents that you would like to receive."

"When you live with someone, it pays to buy them a gift that you would love to have around the house," says Hampshire.

"This year it's a kitten," she laughs. "My husband will love it. I'll love it even more."

Miriam McDonald
Actress, CTV's "Degrassi: The Next Generation"

As Emma Nelson on "Degrassi: The Next Generation," Miriam McDonald has had her share of teen angst to deal with. That pales by comparison next to her problems with holiday shopping.

"For some people I can buy a gift in five minutes. For others, like my father, I can never figure out what to get."

To beat those shopping blues this year McDonald is springing for mindful gift certificates for friends and family.

"I'm giving Yoga gift certificates for some friends and hunting for other possibilities. I'm trying to marry great picks with peoples' interests, not just some meaningless gift," McDonald.

Staying true to her gift list is also part of McDonald's plan.

"Even if I buy all my gifts and see something better, I'm not going to second guess myself. I'm sticking to that list and keeping my focus."

Worst shopping experience: last ditch gift-hunting on Christmas Eve

"Two years ago I left my shopping until December 23 and 24. It was a disaster," says McDonald.

The Toronto stores had long lines. Everything was sold out.

"I ended up at Williams-Sonoma on Bloor Street thinking I'll find something for my mother," says McDonald. "I ended up with a box of chocolates and an apology card."

Theo Tams
CTV's "Canadian Idol" winner, 2008

Theo Tams knows how to belt out a good tune. But, fool-proof holiday shopping is not his forte.

"My problem is that when I go shopping I have such a hard time not buying for myself,' says Tams, 24. "It's so tempting. Everything is on sale.

The Lethbridge. Alta. homeboy has learned to trust in shopping lists.

"I write down how much I want to spend per person and stick to it," he says.

Tams also buys bigger items at the end of his shopping excursions.

"That way you won't have to lug them around for hours," says the singer/songwriter.

Worst experience: mall crowd panic

Coming from a small town, Tams went into a shock recently after he made his first pre-Christmas shopping trip to Toronto's Yorkdale shopping mall.

"I've never seen so many people under one roof before," laughs Tams.

"Christmas is a time of generosity and wonderful things. But, at the same time there are a lot of mad, dangerous shoppers out there. I felt like I needed some protective sportswear just to get my shopping done."

Tams dream gift to get: shoes

"Time spent with my family is always top on my list," says Tams. "But, if anyone wants to buy me a great pair of John Fluevog shoes send them along. You'll make my holiday!"