MONTREAL - With less than 48 hours to go before Quebecers hit the polls, a relaxed Jean Charest spent an unhurried Saturday on the campaign trail.

Recent polls suggest Charest's Liberals have a comfortable 15-percentage-point lead on their closest rivals, the Parti Quebecois.

But the premier said his easy pace doesn't mean he is taking anything for granted.

It's instead a lesson learned during the campaign in 2007, Charest said -- that it's best to hold back now and focus efforts on election day.

"It's great to be able to target as many ridings as possible and meet the people," he said.

"But you also have to take the time to prepare for election day so we can be as efficient as possible on the ground."

His political adversaries, however, were out campaigning full force.

Mario Dumont, leader of the Action democratique party, criss-crossed the province, attending eight separate rallies in a last-ditch effort to gain ground.

"There remains a good proportion of undecided voters," he told supporters in Trois-Rivieres.

"And these people who are undecided are really just looking for a reason to vote for the ADQ. They're just asking to be convinced, to be given a little bit of conviction."

The ADQ is mired in third place with polls suggesting only about 15 per cent of Quebecers intend to vote for the right-leaning party.

Dumont held back from attacking Charest and PQ Leader Pauline Marois and instead tried to paint the ADQ as a political party that offers something new to Quebecers.

"We have a positive message for Quebecers this weekend and that's what we'll focus on," Dumont told supporters on Montreal's south shore.

He also refused to comment on the latest poll results, insisting voters are still willing to change their minds and support a party he said is able to bring change to Quebec.

"There are two parties that have their feet anchored in the past," he said.

"There's only one party that presented Quebecers with a project for a new Quebec, an autonomous society, a proud society."

Marois, meanwhile, stayed on the offensive, warning voters a majority-Liberal government would only bring suffering to Quebecers in the long run and demonizing Charest as a leader who hid his real intentions and lied to win voter support.

Marois was joined on the campaign trail by Bloc Quebecois Leader Gilles Duceppe. She visited 15 key ridings across Quebec. Her organizers targetted ridings where the PQ are running neck-and-neck with their rivals.

Quebecers head to the polls Monday.