KAMLOOPS, B.C. - A report that two female prisoners had sex in an RCMP cell while jail staff watched via a video camera has people talking in this Interior B.C. city, including the mayor, who says the public will eventually be told what really happened.

Mayor Peter Milobar is asking people to be patient and not pass judgment on those involved until all the details are known.

Milobar said he's unable to confirm reports that two women, one of whom might be HIV positive, were placed in the same cell Aug. 18 and began having sex.

It's been reported that RCMP and civilian jail staff watched the encounter on a video monitor for several minutes and did nothing to stop it.

Milobar said it would be wrong to speculate on bits and pieces of information before everyone involved knows what happened. "I would prefer to make sure we have that complete package (of information) for the fairness of everybody involved and make sure the full investigation has run its course," he said.

The RCMP have said four Mounties are being investigated in relation to the incident, but no official details have been released about exactly what happened.

Three Kamloops city employees are also said to have been involved.

City staff take care of administrative and clerical duties at the Kamloops detachment.