Prince William has whisked wife Duchess Catherine away on a romantic skiing break.

The future king recently returned from the Falkland Islands after spending six weeks there flying an RAF helicopter and he wanted to spend some quality time with his spouse before their schedules get too busy.

So he booked a surprise romantic mini-break for him and Catherine -- who is also known as her maiden name of Kate Middleton -- in the upmarket ski resort of Verbier, Switzerland.

A source told the Daily Mirror newspaper: "William missed Kate terribly when he was away. They spent Valentine's Day apart and he has been thinking for some time how to make it up to his wife.

"He wants a reunion in the most romantic possible fashion. They've had some brilliant times skiing, and William decided a getaway in Switzerland, where they can wear goggles and hats and go around unnoticed, would be perfect.

"Kate was delighted when he eventually told her about his plans and cannot wait for the pair to spend some quality time together."

While William was away, Catherine admitted she was missing her husband of 11 months "desperately", but she threw herself into public duties.

The 30-year-old beauty took part in several engagements as part of Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee celebrations.

As well as going on two visits with the 85-year-old monarch, she played hockey with the Great Britain squad at Olympic Park and delivered her first speech.