NEW YORK - Octuplets mother Nadya Suleman says she doesn't plan on having more children unless she gets married someday "far" in the future. She says if that ever happens, she would only have one child.

Widely known as "Octomom," Suleman has six older children. She appeared Wednesday on ABC's daytime talk show "The View," where she has been a frequent topic of debate.

Suleman's octuplets celebrated their first birthday in January.

All of her children were conceived by in vitro fertilization, and she has been criticized for having a huge family as a single mother on public assistance.

She says her children are her priority and she is looking into various opportunities, including writing a book, to support them.

"If someday far, far, far, far in the future, when they're older, if I meet somebody. ... I'm not going to say 100 per cent 'no,"' Suleman said when asked if she planned to have more children. "I'm not going to say someday far in the future (I will) get married and want a baby with that person."