BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. - The Beverly Hills doctor who gave fertility treatments to octuplets mom Nadya Suleman has been expelled from a professional organization.

Dr. Michael Kamrava was kicked out of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine last month, group spokesman Sean Tipton said Monday.

Tipton said Kamrava has repeatedly violated the group's standards. He declined to provide details but said Kamrava was not expelled because of his work with any single patient.

A message for Kamrava was not immediately returned.

Suleman has said Kamrava implanted her with six embryos -- far more than national guidelines specify. Suleman gave birth to octuplets in January.

She told she believed Kamrava was a good doctor who always warned her about the risks of multiple births and that she felt bad about his expulsion.

"I understand however that he wasn't kicked out just because of me and because other cases were involved so I don't feel wholly responsible," Suleman said.

The decision may be a blow to Kamrava's prestige but it won't keep him from practicing medicine. Tipton says the non-profit group has no such legal authority.