FREDERICTON - A New Brunswick politician has become a minor Internet sensation after trying to inject a bit of humour into the provincial legislature.

Last Friday, Fredericton Liberal T.J. Burke was responding to broadcast comments made by Conservative Opposition Leader David Alward on government's plan to sell NB Power assets to Hydro Quebec.

Burke said Alward's criticisms even took members of his own party by surprise and left the Tory leader with his "pants down."

At that point, Burke started rapping "Pants on the ground, pants on the ground, looking like a fool with his pants on the ground," -- a catchy ditty made popular by a contestant on the television show American Idol.

Since Friday, the video of Burke's rendition has been posted on the Internet and has become popular on sites such as showbiz focused

Burke says he has had many requests from television and radio stations in Canada and the United States, but has no plans to repeat his performance or seek a career in singing or dancing.