Most Canadians believe that there are other life forms in the universe apart from humans, according to a new poll.

The poll, carried out by The Strategic Counsel for the Discovery Channel, found that 62 per cent of people felt that humans were not the only life form in the universe. But the majority of respondents did not feel compelled to search for the other life forms they believe exist.

Only 38 per cent of those polled said they would support a mission to hunt for life forms on Mars compared to 60 per cent who said they would not.

"Canadians are very interested in the question 'Is there life on Mars?' but they seem much less interested in sending people to Mars to answer the question," Jay Ingram, the host of the Daily Planet on the Discovery Channel, told CTV's Canada AM.

Overall, 68 per cent of respondents felt that searching for life forms anywhere in the universe was not important.

"The whole question of life on Earth has for some people, some interesting religious implications, so I think that it would be interesting to see another survey to dig deeper into those questions," Ingram said.

Other results from the poll found that Canadians are divided on whether to send robots or humans into space for future missions into space.

While 48 per cent of respondents favoured robots because of their efficiency, 42 per cent of respondents felt humans would adapt better to changing circumstances.

Some Canadian universities are planning to launch a mission with a robot in 2009.

The poll results come at a time when the Canadian Space Agency is determining the feasibility of a number of missions to Mars.

Ingram said that existing scientific data indicates a landing on Mars by humans would be possible by 2030.

"We're now living in an era ... when the first people that will actually set foot on Mars are probably alive today," Ingram said.

Canada's current involvement in Red Planet space projects include the meteorological station on board the Phoenix Mars Lander that took off in August and will land on the planet in 2008.

The survey was based on the results of polls conducted through June and August. One thousand Canadians were surveyed in the report.