Donald Trump Family Tree | CTV News

From Drumpf to Trump: The 45th U.S. President's Family Tree

Donald Trump family tree

As Donald Trump's sons, Donald Jr. and Eric, prepare to guard the president-elect's business interests after their father is sworn in, and daughter Ivanka moves to Washington as her husband steps into a White House role, takes a look at the 45th American president’s family tree.

Trump’s German and Scottish roots are undeniable, as is the fact that his last name can be traced back to the name Drumpf. What was hard to pinpoint was detail. Was his great-grandfather named Christian Johannes Drumpf or simply Johannes Drumpf? Which version of his grandfather’s last name — Drumpf, Trumpf, or Trump — should be used? Was his grandmother Elisabeth name spelled with an “s” or a “z”? These were some of the many questions that arose while researching his ancestry.

Ultimately, much of the information in the family tree below came from biographer Gwenda Blair’s book The Trumps: Three Generations of Builders and a President, a plethora of news stories on Trump’s ancestry, and from several genealogy databases maintained by individuals, communities, and even the Scottish government.

Donald Trump Family Tree by Tahiat Mahboob/
