JERUSALEM -- An Israeli soldier and a civilian were stabbed near a light rail station in east Jerusalem on Monday before the assailant was shot and killed by police, who described it as a terrorist attack.

The attack came in the the tense aftermath of an 11-day war between Israel and Gaza's militant Hamas rulers that was triggered by protests and clashes in Jerusalem.

The Magen David Adom emergency service said it treated two men in their early 20s with stab wounds to their upper bodies. The military identified one of those wounded as a soldier. Both were being treated at nearby hospitals.

Police did not provide any details about the attacker but referred to him as a "terrorist," a term usually reserved for Palestinian assailants.

The stabbing took place in east Jerusalem, which Israel captured, along with the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, in the 1967 Mideast war. The Palestinians want all three territories for their future state and view east Jerusalem as their capital. Israel annexed east Jerusalem in a move not recognized internationally and considers the entire city its unified capital.