Kosovo’s parliament session on Thursday got heated after Prime Minister Albin Kurti was splashed in the face with water by an opposition MP, provoking a physical fight between several lawmakers.

Video footage captured the moment Kurti was addressing the chambers on plans to diffuse tensions between ethic Serbs in the country’s north. However, previous tactics from the Prime Minister have been widely criticized following rising tensions between Kosovo police and NATO-led peacekeepers.

Kurti announced on Wednesday he would be reducing the amount of police stationed at four municipal building in predominately ethnic Serb regions in the country’s north and new mayoral elections will soon be held in each region.

While addressing parliament, a photo of Kurti depicted with a Pinocchio nose was placed on his podium but when Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi removed the photo and ripped it, opposition lawmaker Mergim Lushtaku splashed water at Kurti and Bislimi.

Several MPs from both sides began to physically push and throw fists at each other while Kurti was pushed to the side away from the fight by security.

Serbia and its former province Kosovo have had tensions for decades especially following Kosovo’s declaration of independence in 2008. Over 100 countries have recognized Kosovo's statehood, including Canada. Despite this, Serbia has refused to recognize Kosovo and tensions continue to escalate amid recent mayoral elections.

With files from the Associated Press.