A big-hearted waste collector has gifted a toy recycling truck to his biggest fan who often comes to the curb on garbage day to wave hello.

American waste control worker Aaron Mitchell has become fast friends with the little boy.

And last week, Mitchell on his garbage route in Jenks, Okla., decided to surprise his tiny cheerleader.

“The child would be outside to greet the trashmen and trash truck regularly, whether it was 30 degrees or 100 degrees,” the City of Jenks municipality wrote in a Facebook post.

“As a result, the crew on the back of the truck became friends with him and his family.”

The truck was presented in a Mickey Mouse gift bag with tissue paper and a smile, the city wrote, and was paid for from Mitchell’s own pocket.

“Thank you Mr. Mitchell, and the whole crew from American Waste Control, for making this little boy’s day and keeping our community clean,” the city wrote.