Former Montreal Canadiens defenceman P.K. Subban says he is enjoying retirement.

In an interview with CTV's Your Morning on Thursday, the ex-NHL player opened up about what life looks like post-hockey.

"It's unbelievable," Subban said. "I wake up every day, I get to work out, I get my breakfast, I go to work… So retirement is great, I can't complain."

Subban announced his retirement in September 2022, after playing 13 seasons in the NHL, the majority of his time spent with the Montreal Canadiens.

Last month, Subban was honoured at the Bell Centre in Montreal for his career, where he pointed the spotlight on a seven-year-old super fan Mila Goolab who was diagnosed with transverse myelitis, a rare inflammation of the spinal cord.

"It's still hard to look back at it and try to process it all because you never imagined yourself at the end of your career (with) people giving you flowers," Subban said of the ceremony held on Jan. 14. "It was great to be able to share that moment with Mila, my friend from the hospital."

Subban was named the ambassador for Kraft Hockeyville, an annual charity competition raising money for hockey teams in communities across Canada.

"I look at it as my responsibility," Subban said of the charity work he does. "Being from Canada, born and raised in Toronto, like it doesn't get more grassroots than me and my career."

Subban's parents moved from the Caribbean to Canada and his father grew up in a French-speaking neighbourhood in Sudbury, Ont. This is where his dad learned about hockey and the Montreal Canadiens.

Subban said his upbringing is parallel to the stories from communities that Kraft Hockeyville helps.

"When it comes to resonating brands and authenticity, this was the right fit for me," Subban said of the ambassador program. "I think whenever you can attach real money to a program and be able to use that money to help people, arena upgrades, equipment, all of those things, it makes a difference."


To hear the full interview with Subban, click the video at the top of this article.