Apple’s iPhone 6 got more Google searches in Canada than any other tech gadget this year.

The new Apple smartphone topped the list of 2014’s top technology search trends on Google, edging out the Nexus 6 and Samsung’s Galaxy S5.

The iPhone 6 went on sale Sept. 19, selling out in several retail locations across Canada. Resellers listed new handsets on eBay with a significant markup, hoping to profit from high demand for the phone.

Google’s Nexus 6, a large smartphone running the latest mobile operating system from the Internet company, generated more queries online than Samsung’s flagship Android phone.

Microsoft clinched the lists’ fourth and fifth slots respectively. Google handled more searches for Microsoft’s next-generating operating system (Windows 10) than the Xbox One gaming console.

Full list:

  1. iPhone 6
  2. Nexus 6
  3. Samsung Galaxy S5
  4. Windows 10
  5. Xbox One
  6. iPad Air 2
  7. iOS 8
  8. Moto 360
  9. iWatch
  10. Nexus 9