MONTREAL -- The federal government is committed to working with municipalities and provinces when it comes to infrastructure projects, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Wednesday.

Trudeau said it is up to towns and provinces to determine their priorities.

He made the comments as he was asked in Montreal about financing for an extension of one of the city's subway lines.

The prime minister announced the Montreal area will get up to $775 million over three years to improve its transport network.

"Our goal as a government is to get those investments made so we can get people to work on the projects and we can get people to work on time," he said.

Trudeau added the government has put forward its investments in two phases, with the first focusing on more immediate concerns such as maintenance and upgrades to existing infrastructure.

The second phase is more long term and will kick in over the next year and will include other projects such as new bridges and new subway lines.

"These are projects that require a certain amount of preparation and planning and studies to make sure they are properly set and are going to maximize the impact and benefit for citizens," he said.

"So, instead of rushing right now on those, we're making sure we get those right."