OTTAWA -- Justin Trudeau says Tory defector Eve Adams has to convince a lot of local Liberals that she's the best person to carry the party banner in a Toronto riding during the coming election.

The Liberal leader says part of the negotiations surrounding Adams' surprise defection Monday involved an agreement that she'd have to earn the right to run as a Grit in a difficult riding.

Adams has confirmed to Toronto TV station CP24 that she intends to seek the Liberal nomination in Eglinton-Lawrence, hoping to take on Finance Minister Joe Oliver in the election scheduled for October.

Adams currently represents Mississauga-Brampton South and had initially wanted to run for the Conservatives in the newly created Oakville North-Burlington riding.

She and her opponent were forced to withdraw last summer from that nomination contest amid allegations of dirty tricks on both sides.

Late last month, the governing party barred her from running anywhere due to the alleged misconduct in Oakville.

In an interview with Winnipeg radio station CJOB on Wednesday, Trudeau conceded that Adams' baggage did give him pause when she approached him about switching parties.

"Certainly, there is always a reflection to be had around this," he said.

"But Eve has been a very strong local voice, municipal councillor for many, many years, deeply committed to service."

Trudeau indicated that Adams' willingness to do some tough slogging in a difficult riding was central to his decision to welcome her into Liberal ranks.

"One of the things that we agreed is that she's going to have to convince an awful lot of Liberals and local folks that she is the best voice for them ... and then she's going to take on someone who is a pillar of the Conservative party to demonstrate her strength and her value as a politician."