Saskatchewan Sen. Denise Batters is once again a member of the federal Conservative caucus after former leader Erin O’Toole removed her in November for challenging his leadership.

Batters said she’s “thrilled” to be back with her Conservative Party family, a move that happened during Wednesday’s caucus meeting.

“I’m so grateful to be back in national caucus…I’m really thankful for all of my national Conservative caucus colleagues for welcoming me back and especially for my Saskatchewan Conservative caucus colleagues,” she said.

“Now our caucus can all move forward together with our party members, holding this Liberal government to account and standing up for Canadians.”

Batters launched a petition on Nov. 15 calling for an early review of the Conservative leadership following a disappointing election result.

“After the election, I raised my concerns with Mr. O’Toole directly. He did not respond and he did not act. I then asked publicly that our members have a voice. His response now is to kick me out,” she said at the time.

O’Toole in response said he wouldn’t tolerate any individual “discrediting” or “showing a clear lack of respect” towards the efforts of the Conservative caucus.

On Feb. 2, O’Toole resigned as leader after the majority of caucus voted to remove him from the post in a secret ballot. He will stay on as the Durham, Ont. MP.

O’Toole was replaced by Manitoba MP and former deputy leader Candice Bergen, who will serve as interim leader of the party until a new leader is chosen.