The city that never sleeps is about to welcome a prime minister that has not stopped moving.

Fresh off his state dinner visit to Washington, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau returns to the U.S. late Tuesday, for two days of meetings in New York City, including a trip to the UN.

Trudeau will not be addressing the UN General Assembly, but he is expected to announce that Canada plans to launch a formal bid to return to the organization's Security Council.

The anticipated announcement does not come as much of a surprise, given Trudeau's comments last month, when UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon visited Ottawa. The Prime Minister said, at the time, Canada is "looking towards a bid for the UN Security Council,".

Canada's relationship with the UN grew frosty under the previous Conservative government, after the country embarrassingly lost its bid for a non-permanent seat in 2010. The Harper government was blamed for not putting together a strong enough bid, eventually losing to Portugal.

Trudeau will also use his time in NYC to promote gender parity. He will meet with a UN group dealing with women's issues, meet with female business leaders, and receive an award for his promotion of equality. The Prime Minister will be recognized at the Catalyst Awards, for the creation of a gender-balanced cabinet, and for explaining the reason why was, "because it's 2015."