Could a series of mega-hyped musical concerts across seven continents really help solve the world's global warming crisis? Not a chance said Al Gore naysayers.

Yet if there was one defiantly hopeful moment in 2007 that had politicians and citizens thinking twice about our eco-unfriendly ways, "Live Earth" was it.

Big acts. Super-sized stadiums. Throngs of crowds that chanted global warming slogans along with words to their favourite songs. Yes, Gore's nonstop musical party had the world pumped in July - and the global media right along with it.

A visionary event? A celebrity stroke-off? Sure, "Live Earth" may have left more unanswered questioned in its wake - like just how much jet fuel was pumped into the ozone to fly rock stars to their concert destinations. But at least it, more than any other musical event of 2007, had us all reading from the same, albeit controversial global warming page - even if only for one day.