U.S. President Donald Trump's interview with Leslie Stahl on “60 Minutes” made headlines for several reasons. But his odd taste in art probably wasn’t supposed to be one of them.

During their stroll through the White House, cameras caught a glimpse of a painting hanging on an office wall showing Trump having a beverage with several dead Republican presidents.

Painted with his classic red tie and wide grin, Trump is laughing with former presidents including Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Teddy Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush.

The painting, by American artist Andy Thomas, is called “The Republican Club.” Thomas told The Daily Beast that California congressman Darrell Issa was a big fan of his work and gave Trump a print of the piece.

Trump who apparently loved it so much that he personally called the artist to thank him.

The “60 Minutes” Twitter account tweeted a still image from the interview that featured the painting but the tweet didn’t draw attention to it.

Instead, Trump’s art selection was noticed by Josh Billinson, the editor for Independent Journal Review, who tweeted: “oh my god, it’s hanging in the white house.”

Amateur critics were not kind, tweeting things like “Tacky, and money doesn't buy class,” “I’d rather have that picture of the dogs playing poker,” and “Poor Lincoln.”

But Thomas’ attention to detail in the painting is commendable.

For example, while the other presidents have alcoholic drinks in front of them, a Diet Coke appears to be Trump’s drink of choice. This is in line with Trump famously saying that he doesn’t drink alcohol.