After reopening in 2015, British chef Heston Blumenthal's Fat Duck has reentered the 2017 edition of the Michelin Guide to Great Britain and Ireland, retaining its former three-star rating. The Guide and its various star ratings were presented Monday, October 3, at the Savoy Place in London.

Heston Blumenthal's hard work has paid off. The emblematic bespectacled chef was the most eagerly awaited name when Michelin unveiled its star ratings for 2017. His gastronomic restaurant The Fat Duck in Bray, west of London, had previously enjoyed three-star status before closing last year for renovation. During this time, the chef temporarily relocated the eatery to Melbourne, Australia, spurring his inspiration with a six-month pop-up Down Under. With the closure announced in spring 2014, Michelin was unable to include the establishment in its following edition.

In fall 2015, Blumenthal returned to the UK as a sensation of the country's food scene. The chef revealed a new concept based on a multi-sensory menu inspired by childhood. The Fat Duck even set a new trend with a ticketing system for foodies hoping to reserve a table. The innovation clearly appealed to Michelin's inspectors, who once again awarded Britain's famous portly duck three stars for its 2017 return.

"Our inspectors had many meals here during the course of the year and found the restaurant invigorated, rejuvenated and unquestionably worthy of being re-awarded our highest accolade," said Rebecca Burr, the Michelin Guide's Great Britain and Ireland editor. In total, four restaurants in the UK have three-star ratings: Gordon Ramsay, Alain Ducasse at the Dorchester, The Wasterside Inn and The Fat Duck.

A second star for Raby Hunt

Although expected, news of The Fat Duck's 2017 return has overshadowed almost all of Michelin's other UK awards and accolades. However, chef James Close -- who already has a sound reputation on the UK food scene -- was awarded a second star for his Raby Hunt restaurant in Summerhouse, near Darlington.

The one-star category gets 17 new restaurants this year, including two pubs: The Wild Rabbit in Oxfordshire and The Crown in Burchetts Green, Berkshire.

New Michelin awards

The Michelin Guide ceremony also saw the firm award a new set of prizes honoring outstanding personnel from the hotel and restaurant sector. Chef Clare Smyth -- previously at the helm of the Gordon Ramsay restaurant and soon to open her own establishment -- won the Michelin Female Chef Award, and the team from Peel's restaurant at Hampton Manor received the Michelin Welcome and Service Award.

Michelin says that the announcement of its forthcoming 2017 Guides, covering 28 countries, will be accompanied by similar special awards.