NEW YORK  -- Morning TV on Thursday hosted dueling exes locked in a dispute over the fate of frozen embryos.

On ABC's "Good Morning America," actress Sofia Vergara said it isn't fair that her former fiancé has gone public with their dispute over the frozen embryos dating back to their relationship in 2013.

On NBC's "Today" show, businessman Nick Loeb spoke of "moral, legal, ethical concepts" concerning lives "that we've already created."

On "GMA," the "Modern Family" star blamed the media for bringing attention to Loeb, who has taken legal action to gain control of the two frozen embryos. He wants to implant them in a surrogate and raise the children himself, but a contract the couple signed states the embryos can be brought to term only with both parties' consent.

On the "Today" show, Loeb said none of the forms signed by the couple addressed what would happen if they broke up.

"Two lives have already been created," he said. "I wouldn't just toss them aside no different than a child that had been born."

Vergara, currently promoting her new film "Hot Pursuit," characterized Loeb as an opportunist, and scolded the media for "allowing somebody to invent things and create press for himself," which included an op-ed column Loeb wrote that recently was published in The New York Times.

She added: "He's not an actor. He's not a celebrity."