The newest addition to the Disney-Pixar movie collection touches on issues arising from mixed-race relationships and parents' expectations for their children.

'Elemental,' which is set to hit theatres June 16, tells the story of fire element, Ember, and water element, Wade, who forge an unlikely friendship in Element City.

As the pair navigate difficulties within their relationship, being from two element families that do not mix, the movie explores themes that may resonate with people who immigrated.

The movie's director, Peter Sohn joined CTV’s Your Morning Wednesday, to share how his own immigrant background shaped the movie.

"It was about understanding the sacrifice that (my parents) made," Sohn said. "They came from Korea to the States and they gave my brother and I a life and that's what this whole thing is about, being grateful for that."

In ‘Elemental,’ when Ember meets Wade she is destined to take on the family business from her parents. But Wade dares to ask Ember what she wants in life, rather than what her parents want for her.

Exploring the effects of Ember's parents’ expectations, resonates with Sohn's own story, including his mixed-race relationship.

"When I was growing up, my grandmother would say, 'You've got to marry Korean,'" Sohn said. "I was trying to put as much of that into the movie as we could."

Unfortunately, Sohn's parents did not get the chance to see the premiere, as both died during the making of the film.

"Now that I'm finishing, I get a lot of emotions because it really is not an autobiography, but it is to honour the crazy work that they (my parents) have done," he said. "I hope they're proud."


To watch the full interview with Sohn click the video at the top of this article.