An aerial photograph showing six dead giraffes in Kenya is illustrating the devastation of the ongoing drought in East Africa.

Photojournalist Ed Ram, who captured the grisly image, says the giraffes had been weak from a lack of food and water. They died after attempting to drink from a nearly dried-up reservoir and getting stuck in the mud.

The Star Kenya, a local newspaper, reported that over 4,000 giraffes in the region are at risk of dying. Officials told the paper that they plan on sending water tankers to assist wildlife in the most affected regions.

The paper also reported that agricultural activities along the river are cutting off water access for giraffes and other wildlife.

Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta declared the drought a national disaster in September as it has taken its toll on wildlife, agriculture and livestock. In October, parts of the country experienced low levels of rainfall not seen since 1981, according to a UN report.

The UN says an estimated 2.9 million Kenyans are at risk of starvation and are in "urgent need for humanitarian assistance" after three consecutive poor rainy seasons. In neighbouring Somalia, the UN says water shortages are also affecting 2.3 million people.

"Water sources for both people and livestock have dried up, forcing families to walk longer distances and causing tensions among communities, which has led to an increase in inter-communal conflict," the UN report states.