TORONTO - A new poll suggests the modern Canadian male lifestyle includes cutting back on calories and fat, but very few men are willing to give up their red meat or try yoga.

And it appears more men are worried about their performance in bed instead of the hair disappearing from their head.

The Canadian Press Harris-Decima poll asked Canadian men about some of their lifestyle habits and found that a majority were trying to eat healthier.

Seventy-six per cent said they were trying to eat less fat, 63 per cent said they were trying to eat less salt, and 57 per cent were watching their calories.

But only four per cent said they were vegetarian and only two per cent said they practised yoga.

Only three per cent said they had used a hair-loss medication, while seven per cent of the 1,000 men polled -- and 14 per cent of those over 50 -- said they had taken medication for erectile dysfunction.

"As Canadian men get older some worry less about hair loss and more about sexual capacity,'' said Decima president Bruce Anderson.

"That fully one in seven men over the age of 50 report taking erectile dysfunction medications reveals how large a market has developed for these products in a relatively short period of time.''

The poll was conducted between Feb. 21 and Feb. 24 and is considered accurate within 3.1 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.