A woman who killed her two young sons in Alberta could be released from custody as early as Thursday and may be planning to return to her native Australia, her ex-husband says.

Allyson McConnell, who drowned her children in a bathtub more than three years ago, is scheduled for early release Thursday after serving two-thirds of her 15-month sentence for manslaughter at Alberta Hospital, a psychiatric facility.

Curtis McConnell, her former husband and the father of the two killed boys, told CTV Edmonton he believes McConnell is preparing to go back to Australia once she’s free, but his family has been “left in the dark” about her release.

“I am appalled that a person who kills two innocent children and leaves their dead bodies (for her husband to find) next to the wedding ring she hadn’t worn in months has only served 10 months,” he said in a statement. “This is unacceptable.”

“Will anyone there know about the murders she committed here? Being only 34 years old will she start a new family and have another child in her care?” he asked.

Federal officials have confirmed that a deportation order has been issued for McConnell, but it’s not yet clear whether doctors at Alberta Hospital have approved her release.

Alberta Justice said it has urged the federal government to prevent McConnell from leaving the country.

Spokesperson Josh Stewart said officials want to keep McConnell in Canada pending the outcome of the appeal in her case.

McConnell was originally charged with second-degree murder and the Crown is appealing her manslaughter conviction and sentence. The Court of Appeal has not yet set a date to hear the case.

McConnell killed 2-year-old Connor and 10-month old Jayden in their home in Millet, just south of Edmonton, in February 2010. She then drove to the city and jumped off an overpass onto a freeway. She survived the jump and was taken to hospital with broken bones.

Court heard that McConnell was severely depressed and suicidal at the time and that she and her husband were going through a bitter divorce.

She was sentenced to a six-year term, but given double credit for time already spent in a psychiatric hospital. That reduced her sentence to 15 months, with early release eligibility after 10 months.

With a report from CTV Edmonton’s Bill Fortier and files from The Canadian Press