IQALUIT, Nunavut -- A smouldering blaze in the Nunavut capital's garbage dump continues to spew acrid fumes onto the city, where the roads are dotted with Inuit children on their bicycles, enjoying the summer's 19 hours of daylight.

City officials say a lack of money and manpower prevents them from dousing the fire in Iqaluit almost two months after it started.

They wonder why neither Ottawa nor the Nunavut government has stepped in with funds for the territorial capital and its most populous town.

Health Canada and Environment Canada have reported no major air quality issues resulting from the burning dump.

But they haven't yet made public any information on dioxins and furans -- toxic chemicals released when hazardous waste is burned.

Last month, the Nunavut Health Department warned those with heart and lung disease, the elderly and the very young to stay indoors as much as possible, with the windows closed.

Schoolchildren were also sent home for two days.

The town's fire chief presented a plan to extinguish the fire to city council last week. It would cost at least $4.5 million, and would involve cooling the smouldering garbage with millions of litres of seawater in an effort that would take almost two months.