Comedian and podcaster Marc Maron has some unflattering opinions of Hamilton, but some residents insist there’s a nicer side to the city.

The American radio and television personality, best known for his podcast “WTF with Marc Maron,” told listeners on Thursday that he’s currently staying in the southern Ontario city.

Let’s just say he's not having the greatest time.

“Look, I don’t want to be condescending, cause I’m not from here and I don’t want to be the rude foreigner. I think I am supported by many people I’ve spoken to from Toronto and other parts of Canada that Hamilton is not – it’s not a high-water mark for Canada,” Maron said.

“It’s a little beat up here. It’s kind of interesting. But there’s definitely a – it’s got its own frequency.”

Maron is working on an undisclosed project in Hamilton. He appears to be preoccupied by his surroundings.

“I don’t know if it’s the neighbourhoods that I’m staying in or where we’re shooting, but there just seems to be a sort of ongoing ragtag parade of frenetic sadness in many manifestations. It’s weird when your focus is not consumed by what’s going on culturally. You can really kind of zero in on people and there’s definitely a bit of a – a lot of humans twisted by soul sickness of one kind or another wandering the streets here.”

Maron ended his rant by describing the city, which is known as “The Hammer” to some of its 579,000 residents, as “kind of interesting and sad but also funny and nice.”

“How’s that? Diplomatic? Anyways, that’s my take on Hamilton.”

The comedian later appeared to walk back his comments. In an email to CTV News late on Thursday, Maron said he strolled around different parts the city and found “some nice stuff.”

“I think I was pretty specific in saying that my experience was limited to downtown when I said that. Had some good food today and walked around some nice neighborhoods,” he said.

Around the same time, Maron tweeted that the city is “an interesting mix of human chaos and quinoa” and added that “a lot of areas other than where I’m staying are sweet.”

So far, the response online has been mixed. Some Hamiltonians have piped up on social media to defend the community and to invite Maron out to see the finer side of Canada’s ninth-largest city. Others conceded that it’s not the best place to live.

Michael Marini, the city’s co-ordinator of marketing, tweeted that Hamilton is “a great city before you arrived, a great city while you’re here and a great city after you leave.”

“Sure, cheap shots against the infrastructure, but shots at people that live here is a little much. Explore and learn, Marc,” Marini tweeted.

Twitter user Darrin Willock invited the American out to see a different side of the city.

“Born and raised here in Hamilton Ontario Canada. You sir have no clue what you are talking about in regards to this great city. This city is very diverse like much of Ontario. Sorry you aren’t in the finer part of our city. I’m willing to take u on a tour. Whatsay ye,” said Willock tweeted.

Maron received a similar invitation from Michael Demone: “I applaud Mr. Maron’s observations and invite him out to experience a gentler, more sophisticated side of Hamilton. It exists,” he tweeted. 

Others suggested that Maron wasn’t entirely off base.

“Here’s the thing, @marcmaron is right,” tweeted Colin Sword.

Duane Murray agreed: “He’s not wrong.” 

Regardless of what Maron thinks, Hamilton remains popular among homebuyers. In recent years, home prices have rapidly risen in the industrial community affectionately nicknamed “Steeltown.”