Dozens of officers and a police helicopter were deployed to disperse a bush party in a remote area of B.C. late Friday night that threatened to get out of control as word spread across social media.

Police estimated that more than 500 revellers had converged in the Majuba Hill area, where Chilliwack and Abbotsford meet near the U.S. border, when they arrived on the scene around 10:30 p.m. local time.

But with the #ProjectChilliwack hashtag spreading on social media, police feared that the crowd could have quickly doubled or even tripled in size. The party was in a run-down cabin in an area that is a notorious party spot but is set to be torn down, according to one party-goer.

"That's what I heard, they're taking the cabin down in a couple of weeks," Anthony van der Linden told CTV Vancouver. "So they just said, 'You know what? Let's have a few good times before it comes down.'"

Dozens of officers from both Abbotsford police and the Chilliwack RCMP moved in to break up the party as a helicopter hovered overhead, shining a bright light down on revellers, some of whom were as young as 15.

"I would say there was probably lots of underage drinking going on," party-goer Craig Mitchell told CTV.

Const. Ian MacDonald, of the Abbotsford Police, said the path to the area is "fairly rugged," and would have made it difficult for an ambulance or fire trucks to access the area.

"We had people that were in the early processes of building bonfire, etc.," MacDonald said. "If there was a medical emergency or if there was a large-scale fire, it would have been a difficult area to access."

There were no injuries or arrests reported. However, someone broke a passenger window of a police vehicle as the crowd dispersed.

A number of revellers posted photos and video of the party to social media, including when police moved in and of the helicopter hovering overhead.

The party's name and hashtag were inspired by the movie 'Project X,' in which underage partygoers plan a bash that goes off the rails after word spreads on social media.



MacDonald said it was a good thing that police moved in when they did.

"If a party has 500 people at it at 10:30 at night, what would it have looked like at 1 o'clock or 2 o'clock in the morning?"

With a report from CTV Vancouver's Michele Brunoro