A globe-trotting Montreal couple and their photogenic pet are wallowing in the little porker’s social media fame, as the internet can’t get enough of Christopher the Pig’s travels.

Photos and videos show the expressive little pig enjoying hotel accommodations, eating festive treats, walking on a leash in public and visiting various North American attractions with its owners, Marilyne and Jonathan Duguay.

The miniature Vietnamese pig’s adventures have garnered more than 25,000 Instagram followers in just one year.

The Duguays adopted Christopher through Kijiji a year ago, and quickly recognized its photogenic personality when they brought it along with them on a trip.

“I decided to do an Instagram for Christopher because I love taking pictures,” Marilyne Duguay told CTV Montreal. “I thought he was just a super cute model.”

Christopher was particularly infatuated with two toy elves in December, when the Duguays recorded several videos of him playing with them.

The Duguays have also set up some adorable and elaborate scenes for Christopher, showing what it “does” at home while they are travelling without it.

The Duguays plan to visit Europe in March, and they’ll be bringing Christopher with them on the plane.

In other words, Christopher’s fans can expect a whole slew of European photos in the future – when their favourite pig flies.