Orville Mader, the Canadian man wanted in Thailand on child sex charges, was ordered released on $5,000 bail in Abbotsford, B.C., on Thursday.

Mader's lawyer told CTV British Columbia that in addition to bail, his client will also have to abide by several other conditions if he is set free pending a trial.

"He is prohibited from possessing certain cellphones, anything that might allow him access to the Internet," said lawyer Brian Coleman.

"He's not allowed to leave the province of British Columbia without permission from the court, (and may have) no contact with children under 14 years of age."

Mader is also not allowed to be within 300 metres of parks, libraries, or other locations where children may be present.

He was also ordered to post a $5,000 surety in order to be released, with the stipulation that he reside at an unspecified address in the Lower Mainland.

The judge has imposed a publication ban on evidence given at the bail hearing.

Mader, a former Kitchener, Ont. resident who own a home in the Vancouver area, is wanted in Thailand on allegations that he had sex with an eight-year-old boy. He was arrested last week after stepping off a plane at Vancouver International Airport.

He does not face any criminal charges in Canada. But he has been held under a protective order after a provincial court judge ruled he could present a threat to children. He will appear in court for an arraignment hearing in three weeks.

Mader's lawyer says his client is innocent of accusations leveled against him.

"People immediately assume the worst, and it's not always justified,'' Coleman said.

"He has no history in Canada of any kind for this type of behaviour. How many (David) Milgaards do we need before we realize that there is a presumption of innocence? That's my concern.''

News that Mader was granted bail came as new information emerged that he was convicted of debauchery earlier this year in Cambodia. The information was contained in a sworn document used to arrest Mader when he touched down in Canada after leaving Southeast Asia. The document states that Mader was convicted in absentia relating to offences that occurred in 2004.

Mader was arrested shortly following the arrest of another Canadian man Thai officials accused of having sex with children.

Vancouver-area resident Christopher Neil is now in a Thailand jail facing charges of sexually assaulting children and posting pictures of the alleged incidents on the Internet.

With a report from CTV British Columbia's Michelle Brunoro