TORONTO - "Twilight" heartthrob Robert Pattinson ditches the vampire fangs in his newest love story, "Remember Me," a straight-ahead romantic drama that nevertheless preserves his reputation as this generation's quintessential brooding young man.

Anguish and loss pervade the wounded soul of Pattinson's rebellious hero, Tyler, who drifts through school and relationships, tormented by his older brother's suicide and his father's seeming indifference to a family reeling in pain.

He finds solace in the equally damaged Ally, played by "Lost" actress Emily de Ravin. Ally witnessed the shooting death of her mother as a child.

"They're both wounded in their own respects but dealing with their past in their own way," de Ravin said during a recent stop in Toronto to promote the film.

"I think each of them helps the other maybe learn to deal with it in the best way possible. They sort of end up really bringing out the best in each other."

The diminutive Australian, best known as Claire on the sci-fi series "Lost," acknowledged that her famous co-star has perfected the art of portraying the sullen young man, after carving himself into the hearts of teen romantics with the "Twilight" movie franchise.

Pattinson's success in the big screen adaptations of Stephenie Meyer's books will no doubt draw interest to the more sombre "Remember Me," de Ravin allows, adding that the Brit actor still took a risk embracing a role that showcases a more mature side.

"It's such a departure for him to do. I think people are going to just really enjoy seeing him in a different light, seeing that he's been so involved with that franchise and he's incredible in this."

They shot the film in New York last year, during her character's break from "Lost."

"He's making some really smart decisions to show what else he can do, which is really important so you don't get sort of pigeonholed in a certain character or film or genre."

Pattinson, who also executive-produced "Remember Me," was a relative unknown when he was cast as Edward Cullen in 2008's "Twilight."

He was a full-fledged superstar by the time he followed that up with last summer's "New Moon." He resumes his role as the lovelorn vampire in this summer's "Eclipse," and next year's "Breaking Dawn."

De Ravin said Pattinson is more than just a pretty face.

"I never felt like I was reading lines with him and just doing a scene," she said. "(I was) just watching him and reacting, which is a dream as an actor to have that and not feel like, 'OK, he's going to say that and now I'll say this and then we're going to walk over here.' Everything felt so organic and natural. We also had a lot of fun together he's a really great guy. Really funny."

The film marks a strong departure for de Ravin as well, casting the soft-featured 28-year-old as a tough-talking girl from the New York borough of Queens who hides her pain well.

With the hit series "Lost" set to complete its run this year, she's eager to develop her career with challenging roles that push her in new creative ways.

"All I really want is to hopefully continue working with people who inspire me," said de Ravin, whose "Lost" character Claire transformed from a sweet maternal figure to a deadly jungle survivalist in a recent plot twist.

"I've been really lucky on 'Lost,' working with such a great group of people. And especially on this film I just couldn't wait to get to work everyday because everyone I worked with just inspired me for different reasons and taught me different things and made me think about things in different ways."

"Remember Me" opens Friday.