Despite her 15 months in the hands of abusive Somali captors, Canadian freelance journalist Amanda Lindhout says she still believes in the intrinsic good of humankind.

"My faith in human decency was sorely tested at times during my captivity; however, after my release, I am humbly reminded that mankind is inherently good by the tremendous efforts and support of fellow Canadians," she wrote in a statement Thursday.

In her first statement since arriving home in Alberta being kidnapped, Lindhout said it's "wonderful" to be back.

"After being in captivity for so long, I can't begin to describe how wonderful it feels to be home in Canada," the statement reads.

The statement goes on to thank a list of organizations and people that Lindhout said helped secure her release, including the Canadian and Australian governments.

"I know there's great debate about the role government should or shouldn't play in a situation such as mine, and I understand the Government of Canada is being criticized both for what they did, and didn't do to support my family," she wrote.

"I accept they did what they could within the confines of Canadian policy, and for that I am grateful."

The 28-year-old landed in Calgary earlier this month after being held for 15 months in captivity, along with Australian photographer Nigel Brennan. The two had been travelling together when they were taken hostage.

"Despite our separation, he always managed to find small ways to remind me that there are gentlemen in the world, even when I was surrounded by just the opposite. His resilience and positive attitude after our ordeal is a tribute to the strength of the human spirit," she wrote.

Last week, Brennan issued similar words of thanks to in a statement he made to the media in Australia.

According to Australian media, the families of Lindhout and Brennan hired a British security firm, AKE, to help facilitate the hostages' release. The firm reportedly helped deliver a $600,000 ransom to the kidnappers.

Lindhout ended her statement on a hopeful note.

"I went through an extremely trying ordeal, but I never forgot the world outside was a beautiful place. The road to recovery will not always be easy, but I will take it one day at a time, focusing on the moments I've dreamed about for so long.