STONEHAM, Mass. -- Maybe she just had a few babies to deliver.

A Boston-area zoo is looking for a female stork that flew away last week and has evaded experts since.

The Stone Zoo in Stoneham posted on Facebook that the 3-foot-tall, white-bellied stork took off Friday during training for the "Masters of Flight: Birds of Prey" show.

The bird, named Las, was last seen Saturday at nearby Spot Pond.

Las has a white belly, dark iridescent purple wings, neck and back, a featherless face and a wingspan of about 3 feet.

The bird is not dangerous. The zoo says anyone who sees the stork should contact the zoo and not approach, because she might fly away.

Have you seen this white-bellied stork? During training for the Masters of Flight: Birds of Prey show on Friday...

Posted by Stone Zoo on Monday, 20 August 2018