A Danish brewery has created a beer that claims to get the creative juices flowing with just the right dose of beer buzz.

Here’s the premise: Makers of The Problem Solver cite scientific research which has shown that the average person reaches ‘creative peak’ at an alcohol level of 0.075 percent.

Anecdotally, artistic types have long subscribed to the power of a few beers or glasses of wine to help unblock their creativity and inhibitions. The problem, however, is when they pass their limits.

After crunching the numbers, Rocket Brewing Co. and ad agency CP & B Copenhagen came up with a bottle that comes with an indicator on the side that tells drinkers when to stop drinking based on their weight: Men get one column, women another.

The lighter your body mass, the less you can drink before hitting critical creative peak.

The 75cl bottle contains handcrafted Indian Pale Ale, described as having a bitter and refreshing finish.

The marketing gimmick is based on a study out of the University of Illinois at Chicago which found that moderate intoxication helped people solve more creative world problems in less time than their sober counterparts, tasks that challenged subjects to look, not for the most obvious answer, but for more remote and studied solutions.